60 年代末,摇滚乐发展得枝繁叶茂。披头士在 1969 年发行经典的《Abbey Road》,Led Zeppelin 推出同名首张专辑,而在“前卫”、“实验”的探索方向上,King Crimson 犹如石破天惊,出其不意地投下一颗让人们倍感兴奋的“炸弹”。《In the Court of the Crimson King 》是 King Crimson 最具代表性的专辑,亦是前卫摇滚领域不可逾越的经典之作。唱片封面设计来自 Barry Godber,那张边缘精神状态被放大的超现实面孔,成为乐队传奇色彩中不可或缺的一抹“深红”。

1. 21st Century Schizoid Man (Including “Mirrors”)
2. I Talk to the Wind
3. Epitaph (Including “March for No Reason” and “Tomorrow and Tomorrow”)
4. Moonchild (Including “The Dream” and “The Illusion”)
5. The Court of the Crimson King (Including “The Return of the Fire Witch” and “The Dance of the Puppets”)
6. 21st Century Schizoid Man (Radio Version)
7. I Talk to the Wind (Duo Version)
8. A Man a City (Live at the Fillmore West)

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